Importance of tax returns now a days have increased rapidly as that was never before. Tax legislation are very complexed with emergence of new regulations in country and in international market. At this point of time the need of a tax consultant with knowledge and skills to deal with complex regulations increased, MUKHTAR CONSULTING assure their clients the quality of services, integrity and reliability given by offices.

Corporate Taxation Services
Preparation and filing of annual and periodical tax return.
Withholding tax management and related compliance.
Managing post return correspondence with and representation before tax assessment authorities.
Obtaining certificates of tax exemption & special tax rates, where applicable.
Representation in appellate and reference before tax appellate authorities, courts and tax settlement commission.
Representation before the authorities for involving its jurisdiction for administrative ruling and certification on taxation issues.
Tax Due Diligence Reviews.
Personal Taxation Services.
General Sales Tax (GST) – Planning Consultation, Compliance and Reporting services.
Sales Tax on Services – Planning Consultation, Compliance and Reporting services.

Managing Tax Risks Mukhtar consulting aimed to provide support to our clients to manage risks on many tax issues. Our consultants equipped themselves up-to-date with new regulations and policies. We may help our clients in tax obligations including:

Updates in Tax Policy.
Tax Investigations.
In time submission of tax returns.